
Datma.360 is a platform that uses the power of data and genomics combined with a user interface that is used by medical professionals to assist in the treatment of cancer patients.

In this project, I worked on designing the platform, also including introducing new features while revamping some tools.




Tech for Healthcare


UI/UX and Product Design



Problem Statement

Managing and depicting a large amount of data in the space of tumour patients.

Challengers with their initial product

Lack of Visual Hierarchy

Low Contrast and readability

Confusing user flow

Needed aesthetic fixes

No consistency between components

The Approach

For the design, these were a few of the interventions I went with:

  1. Use a cards based layout with hierarchy.

  1. Use of a side bar to switch between different applications.

  1. Status Indicators wherever required.

  1. Create a design system to reflect the goal.

  1. A cleaner design language to make the user experience easy on the eyes.

User Flow

A few of the user flow screens.


A collection of some wireframes from a few products I worked on.
